ATI rilascia i drive Catalyst 9.4

ATI ha rilasciato la versione 9.4 dei drive Catalyst per i sistemi operativi Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP; a breve sarà disponibile la versione anche per Linux.

Di seguito le novità introdotte con la nuova versione.

Highlights of the ATI CatalystTM 9.4 Windows release include:

New Features

ATI CatalystTM 9.4 - New ATI OverDriveTM auto-tuning application*

  • ATI Catalyst 9.4 includes a new ATI OverdriveTM auto-tune application to estimate the over-clocked engine and memory values for ATI Overdrive supported ATI RadeonTM Graphics accelerators
  • Designed for the ATI RadeonTM HD 4000 Series

Resolved Issue Highlights

  • "World of Warcraft" or "World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King": Flickering no longer occurs when Shadow is set to medium/high using ATI CrossFire configurations
  •  Google Sketchup no longer displays blank screen
  • Resolutions above 1024 x 768 will now full screen properly for specific HDMI displays
  • Artifacts no longer visible while playing Age of Conan DX10
  • VC-1 progressive disc playback no longer exhibits block corruption.
  • The Compute Abstraction Layer (CAL) driver now functions properly under Windows XP

Highlights of the Linux ATI CatalystTM 9.4 release (coming soon) include:

New Features

Support for new Linux operating systems

  • This release of ATI CatalystTM Linux introduces support for the following new operating systems: 

o       RHEL 5.3 production support

o       Ubuntu 9.04 early look support


I Catalyst 9.4 sono scaricabili a questo indirizzo

Tags: ati catallyst software

Scritto da Galai | il 2009-04-16 14:41:22 |